Music & Personal Enrichment Courses

When you are ready to register, click on the link below. To narrow your search in Instant Enrollment, select a corresponding Topic Code: Arts/Leisure/Music, or Personal Wellness

Featured Course -- Learn to Speak with Confidence

One of many in our Health, Healing & Happiness Programs

Register for CE Courses

Whether your business is new, growing, or has existed for many years, it faces daily and long-term challenges. These Galveston College Continuing Education courses are designed to employ proven practices to help support your mission, ongoing success, and performance excellence.

A business is more than the sum of its individual components, processes, and activities. This course will take a look at your business from a systems perspective and help align and integrate the activities that compose your business system.

People often view their business as many separate activities that need to be performed. Seeing the connection between parts is essential to business performance excellence.

Participants will self-assess and identify key information to help focus on key performance requirements and results.

Take one class or maximize your chances for success by taking all three classes. Ready to register? Click on the blue button above and Register for CE Courses.

Instructor Lee Van Dusen, of KPL Coaching

The Galveston College Community Chorale is a non-auditioned organization of singers. The chorale performs two concerts a year in the community with repertoire ranging from classical sacred and secular music to modern day contemporary music. They have even performed at Carnegie Hall.

Join us at Galveston College Continuing Education as we present our Cooking Series inside our commercial kitchen.

Classes are 2 to 2 1/2 hours, unless otherwise noted. Hands-on classes are limited to 8-10 students. You will be standing, cooking, and working for most of the class in our commercial kitchen.

Students will get a tour of the commercial kitchen space and be familiarized with the equipment and storage capacity of this type of facility. You may be paired with a partner to work at one of the five stations for prep work, following recipes and adding finishing touches to your prepared meal.

You will enjoy the fruits of your labor seated as a group in our atrium space in front of the indoor fountain.

Please wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes and have long hair tied back. These classes will teach techniques, saute, dicing, and much more.

Creative Writing and poetry, In this short class, you will discuss writing prompts, poetry, character development, POV, and themes.  Each student can have their own journal. You will work with our published instructor to find your focus and create your story from start to finish.

Get the most out of your camera! Discover how to improve your pictures with the technical and artistic basics of digital photography. Explore the basics of taking photos and critique them in a friendly and collaborative environment. Topics discussed include camera settings, basic compositions, and different types of photography. Using photos students take for the class we will go over basic photo editing techniques using Photoshop. Some techniques we will cover include enhancing colors, fixing blemishes, and "digital plastic surgery." This class is for the novice photographer. Bring your digital SLR camera with flash and interchangeable lenses and be comfortable using a computer.

Enjoy the advantages of a regular exercise routine at the Galveston College Hermes Fitness Center located on the Main Campus. Hours of operation and membership is based on semesters. Some restrictions may apply. This membership qualifies for a Senior Citizen Discount for residents who are 65+ years of age and live in-district, including all of Galveston Island (including Jamaica Beach) as well as Crystal Beach and Port Bolivar on the Bolivar Peninsula.

Some restrictions may apply. Closed Fridays during summer and closed Saturdays and Sundays all year.

Membership is per semester. 

Learn techniques to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. Learn to incorporate specific wellness activities into your life.

These individual self-help courses will put you on track to live a more balanced, stress-free life.

Learn to Speak with Confidence

This class invites the shy/ bashful, and those that hide from fear of speaking. Here’s an opportunity to share in a safe space your inner-most thoughts and let your classmates give you delighted attention. Set your silent voice free, and exude the self-confidence you always had within you.

How to Live a Self-Nurtured Balanced Life

Learn how to take care of number ONE and give others your overflow. Includes external natural remedies demonstrated for: relaxation, reducing pain, self-massage, colon care, headaches, care for feet, facials, poultices, oils and more. Q&A follows.

Health & Lifestyle Evaluation: Building a Wellness Formula for Life

Highly educational, get visual answers of whether you are in balance or out of balance in all areas of your life and learn how to improve. Proven with over 2000 people that have transformed their lives.

How to Experience Your Natural Ability to Heal

Georgie Holbrook will share her success to burnout story. As a young successful female executive, diagnosed with a 7-year disfiguring incurable disease on her face and near blindness. How she turned her tragedy into a triumphant self-healing story to give hope and encouragement to others. Lecture followed by Q&A

Healing Issues in Your Tissues

Using art, self-inquiry, and guided imagery, learn to focus within and get intuitive answers that go beyond your intellect. Heal ‘stuffed hidden hurts’ that tell your story in health issues. All ages are welcome, no art experience is needed.

Learn Joy-Full Ways to Meditate

Enrich your life by calming your mind and body as an everyday practice. Learn the importance of humming and vocal sounds you can feel throughout your body. Come and learn how to play with sounds that nourish your soul.

Joy-Full Blessing for Health, Wealth and Happiness

Knowing how to keep up with the changes in life is vital. Revitalizing the atmosphere in your home or business has a corresponding effect on your body’s mood and well-being. Learn how to place intentions into your blessings and watch prosperity, healing, and cash flow increase.

For adults who lack familiarity with computers, life in the modern age can be a challenge. While tablets and smartphones account for a large portion of our daily technology use, computers are still an important tool. In this course we will go over basics such as accessing email, using search engines, joining social media platforms (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter), avoiding computer viruses, sharing files, backing up data and regular maintenance to keep computers running efficiently.


Learn how to turn your personal story into a great Podcast. Prep yourself by doing a mock interview and learn how to verbally present your story. Receive some great tips for Podcast contacts.

Instructor Georgie Holbrook

We are dedicated to providing a safe fun sailing experience.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the operation of a recreational sailboat, offering knowledge and skills to actively help in the navigating of the vessel. The courses will be a combination of theory and sailing sessions. Theory will also be taught on the vessel. Courses are 7 hours total. All one day. All on the vessel

Level I - Each student who completes this course will have the necessary knowledge and skills to actively assist in the elementary operation of a recreational sailing vessel. There are no prerequisite courses or experience requirements for Level I.

Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 Theory on the vessel

Bring a bag lunch. We have a refrigerator but no cooking facilities.

Saturday 1:00 – 4:00 Sailing

Level II - Each student who completes this course will have the necessary knowledge and skills to actively assist in the more advanced operation of a recreational sailing vessel. Prerequisites for Level II are participation in Level I or some sailing experience.                                                                                        The course is 7 hours total. All one day. All on the vessel.

Sunday 9:00 – 12:00 Theory on the vessel

Bring a bag lunch. We have a refrigerator but no cooking facilities.

Sunday 1:00 – 4:00 Sailing

Students between 14 years and 18 years of age may participate with a parent waiver signed the morning of each class.

Instructor David Hedgepeth is a certified instructor of the American Sailing Association; a U.S. Coast Guard-approved instructor, and years of experience as a Ship Master worldwide.

In this interactive class, we will explore how to enhance the fine wine
experience with insights into how to choose wines for whatever you are eating for the holidays and beyond.

Lessons will be drawn from the book Passion for Wine by Jean Charles Boisset and Marnie Old which teaches pairing strategies using a color-coded "spectrum of style" where wines are grouped by their sensory traits rather than grape only or just region of origin.
When you think "vivacious,voluptuous, elegant, sensuous, and powerful", you won't think about wine the same again.
This fun technique allows you to define your style by introducing you to flavor characteristics that will elevate your wine and food pairing knowledge to the next level.
Instructor Marisa Folse

 Telling Your Story, A Two-Part Writing Course 
Instructor Holbrook, G.
Part 1 How to Write Your Story       
Part 2 How to Write Your Story for Magazines
                     Tragedy to Triumph story
                     What I wished I knew, and wasn’t told
                     Personal story to encourage others
                     Benefits of sharing your story – validate yourself
 Learn how easy it is to get published in magazines, even get paid.

Join us for a full-body workout in thirty minutes. This is strengthening and sculpting the total body, including abs, using body weight and dumbbells. Low impact means no jumping or fast movements. Then you will spend 30 minutes in deep stretch. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight.

Yoga Therapy “Yoga Chikitsa” This semester we will do the first series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This style tones the nervous system, disciplines the mind, and purifies the body. The focus is on unlocking the pelvis, hips, and shoulders, and building a strong foundation in the vinyasa methods. This series builds tremendous internal strength., There is an emphasis on using boundaries and pressure to create change and freedom. The overall energetic effect of the sequence is fortifying and balancing.



Frequently Asked Questions

Registrations must be completed 1 week prior to classes starting. Students can register online or in- person.

About Our Payment Plans:

Galveston College offers you the ability to pay for courses over time with a payment plan.  This is done with a partnership with NELNET.  The payment plan itself called FACTS.  Information about this plan can be found in the GC Whitecaps Portal. This is not a loan program. You have no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed, and there is no credit check. The cost to budget your interest-free monthly payment plan is a $30 per term nonrefundable FACTS Enrollment Fee.  You may budget in the following ways:

  1. Automatic Bank Payment (ACH)—ACH payments authorized FACTS to process directly with your financial institution. It is simply a bank-to-bank transfer of funds that you have pre-approved for your expenses at Galveston College. Payments may be made from either your checking or savings account. Payments are processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full.
  2. Credit Card Option—Paying with your credit card gives you the option of taking advantage of any bonus programs that may be offered by your credit card company. Your monthly payment will be automatically charged to the credit card you designate. Payments will be charged on the 5th of each month until the balance is paid in full


Students must have a balance greater than $500 and be enrolled in one of the programs listed below. The following CE programs/course(s) are eligible for a payment plan: 

Nurse Aide, Phlebotomy, EKG, Patient Care Tech, Medical Assisting, Massage Therapy, Eyelash Applicator, Diesel Engine Testing & Repair, Automotive AC, Pipefitting, Computer Desktop Support, Cisco courses, Credit overlays.  

How to sign up a payment plan

  1. To set up a payment plan you must first be registered in a course. Upon registration you should be sent an automatic email with your password to the portal. If you do not get this, please contact the help desk or visit the service center in room R-120.
  2. You must have 50% of your course balance + a $30 non-fundable enrollment fee to make up your deposit
  3. Login to Whitecaps Portal (see attachment for how to Log into Whitecaps Portal)
  • Click on the Quick Link Labeled “FACTS payment plan
  • Select proceed to processor
  • Follow the prompts to complete agreement


Enrollment Periods:

Enrollment periods will affect the # of payments you are eligible for.  The enrollment period for CE courses is on a quarter basis.  If you have questions about enrollment dates do not hesitate to contact us. The dates listed below are general range dates and are impacted by which business day the dates fall on.  If a date falls on a weekend the cut off will be the next business day.

Missed payments:  Should you have insufficient funds when your account is drafted, FACTS/Nelnet will make a 2nd attempt to draft your account the following week. You will be accessed a late fee for each insufficient draft. This returned payment fee will be deducted from the account you have provided.


FACTS/Nelnet 1-800-609-8056

HELP DESK  409-944-1352

GC Business office 409-944-1362

Continuing Education 409-944-1344



The Whitecaps Portal can be accessed from any page on the Galveston College Website. It is located in the Whitecaps Toolbox on the top right of each page. In order to log in, you will need a username and password. Your username is GC plus your seven-digit student ID number and your initial password was sent to you in a separate email.

(See examples below)


Your username is GC plus your seven-digit student ID number (Example: GC0123456)


Your password can be obtained by contacting our IT helpdesk at [email protected] or call 409-944-1352.

Senior Discounts:

Classes listed with an “*” are eligible for a 50% senior discount for those over the age of 65 and who live on Galveston Island.  Call the CE office at 409-944-1344 to receive a Senior Discount Code to apply at registration.

Class Cancellations, Room Changes, and Rescheduling:

Courses with low enrollment prior to a start date are canceled prior to the start date. Students will be notified by phone or email when a class they are enrolled in has been canceled; however, we are sometimes unable to reach everyone. A refund of 100% is automatically processed upon cancellation of classes. Please allow up to 2 weeks for your refund to be processed.

To help avoid cancellations please register and pay AT LEAST A WEEK PRIOR TO THE START DATE, and encourage your friends to register with you. Occasionally, canceled courses are rescheduled for a later start date, and you will be notified by phone when the opportunity presents itself. In the event of a classroom change notice of the room change will be posted on the Continuing Education doors and the classroom that was originally listed.


Cancellations or withdrawals made at least 1 business day prior to the start of class will be 100%. Refund requests should be made in person or by phone to 409-944-1344. Refund requests must be received during normal business hours and at least one business day prior to the start date of the class. When a class is canceled you will automatically be refunded the full course amount. There are NO REFUNDS GIVEN AFTER A COURSE HAS BEGUN. There are NO REFUNDS for ED2GO online courses.

Smoke-Free Campus:

Galveston College is a smoke-free campus. Smoking (including e-cigs) is strictly prohibited in all buildings on the campus grounds and parking areas.

Classroom Conduct:

Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom and/or laboratory in a manner that is conducive to good academic progress. Failure to comply with the lawful direction of a faculty member, teaching assistant or instructor may be a disruption for all students enrolled in the class. Disruptive conduct is considered a serious offense. Faculty reserve the right to remove a student from a class for just cause. Students removed may be referred to the VP of Student Services for disciplinary action.

Cell Phone Use:

Cell phone use is strictly prohibited during all class/lab sessions. In an emergency, please step outside to avoid disruption.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), was established to protect the privacy rights of all students. FERPA specifies the types of student information which can be released to the public without a student’s expressed consent and specifies the persons and agencies that may receive other information, which according the FERPA, a college may release to the public without a student’s permission and is referred to as “Directory Information.” The information included in the FERPA definition includes name, address, telephone, date and place of birth, degrees earned, date, major, and field of study, academic classification, dates of attendance, number of semester hours in progress and attained to date, previous high school and college attended, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may request that Galveston College withhold their directory information from the general public. To do so, students must fill out the appropriate form with the Admissions Office.

Record of Completion and CEU’s:

Nationally recognized CEU’s may be awarded on certain approved occupation-related courses. One CEU is awarded for every 10 contact hours. Most courses are given a Certificate of Completion. It is up to the individual student to see if these courses are eligible for CEU’s.

Request for Records and Replacement Certificates:

CE records are only kept for 2 years, digital copies may be available if needed. Please fill out a record’s request form and allow up to 2 weeks for it to be processed. Reprints of certificates cost $10 and can only be done if a digital copy is on file.

Questions? Contact Us.

Continuing Education Department

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Visit CE Register
[email protected]