Counseling & Advising
How can we help you? Please feel free to contact the counseling center with any questions you may have, or drop by the center during office hours. Student Success Advisors are available to see students by appointment.
- General career
- Academic counseling
- Job placement
- Testing
- Personal counseling
- Services for the disabled and other populations
The Student Handbook and Planner is intended to provide information about policies and procedures and to be a useful tool for your academic success. The Galveston College catalog is the primary source for information about the academic policies and regulations that govern students’ academic life. As a student of Galveston College you are responsible for knowing and abiding by the policies and regulations set forth in the college catalog.
Sharing resources makes better communities.
Galveston College is a comprehensive community college committed to the true student success experience, in college or out of college.
Galveston County Resource GuideMental Health, Victim Services, Parent Education
Breaking the cycle of incarceration by funding essential programs.
Galveston County Community Foodbank
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Food and Housing Assistance
Medical Care, Mental Health
409-938-2234 (Galveston)
281-309-0255 (Texas City)
Greater Coastal Community Action Council
Rent & Utilities Assistance
Resource and Crisis Center Hotline
Shelter, Legal Advocacy, Counseling, Resource Distribution
St. Vincent's
$25 Medical Visits, Dental, Medication Assistance, Food Assistance
Balancing parenting and attending school poses a significant challenge, both roles demand a substantial time commitment and can feel overwhelming. Many parents pursuing a college education find themselves navigating a complex web of responsibilities, including parenting, academic pursuits, employment, and family obligations.
Despite the difficulties, it's encouraging to note that numerous parents successfully graduate from college each year, equipped with the necessary resources to enhance their children's lives. Achieving this often involves adhering to 7 valuable tips designed for parents in college.
The resource list below is designed to help you find the tools you need to succeed:
- Registration information: Please make sure you keep yourself up to date on all the important dates of our Academic
calendar e.g. early registration dates. Information is available in the link below: - Advising: If you need to speak with your advisor please click the button below to make an appointment
with your advisor or you can email: [email protected]
Make an Advising Appointment
- Tutoring: If you need tutoring or more information about tutoring, visit the Tutoring Center
page or email: [email protected]
- Testing: For more information about Testing, visit the Testing Center page or email [email protected]
- Financial Aid: If you have financial aid question or you need to reach out to them, please follow
the link below or you can email: [email protected] - Admissions: If you have Admission question please see the link below or you can email them at
[email protected] - Student Activities: If you are interested in getting involved into student activities please email [email protected]
- Breastfeeding and Lactation Support: You are welcome to use the Wellness Room located in the Health Science Building (HS-228). The room is outfitted with electrical plugs, comfortable seating and a changing table. The room is open to use by all on a first-come first-served basis.
- Family Service Center - Strengthening Families Supporting Communities
- Child Welfare Information Gateway: Site provides resources on child abuse prevention, protecting children from risk
of abuse and strengthening families.
- National Fatherhood Initiative Helpful information for fathers to gain fathers' rights and opportunities to parent
their children.
- WIC (Women, Infants and Children) programs
- Beacon of Hope Center – Family assistance
- Galveston Island Family Crisis Center
- Need Help Paying Bills? - Get assistance with paying for your bills
Need more support? Your liason officer is Deon Botha.
- Seminars
- Groups
- Workshops throughout the academic year on a variety of topics related to student success
- Short-term academic/personal issues confidential counseling by licensed counselors
- Career counseling available for students to explore career options and choices
- Assistance for students struggling with special needs by the special services counselor
Questions? Contact Us.
Counseling and Advising
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
[email protected]