Marketing and Communication

The Office of Marketing and Communication at Galveston College oversees the approval of all marketing materials to ensure consistency and quality across academic, administrative, and student services divisions. Serving also as the storyteller of the college, it utilizes various channels to convey its narrative and coordinate communication strategies with departments.  

Project Request

Do you have a special project coming up and need to request marketing support?

Submit Request

Event Request

If you would like to host an event on campus, the departments of Marketing, IT and Facilities have partnered on an all-in-one Dynamic Form request!

Submit Request

The Office of Marketing and Communication at Galveston College provides a wide range of services to support the college's mission and goals:

  • Communications strategies
  • Brand awareness and reputation
  • Photography and videography
  • Print & digital design
  • Social media
  • Website management
  • Media relations
  • Crisis communications & more

Marketing Resources

When creating print or digital materials to represent Galveston College, please utilize the college's brand guidelines below. 

Galveston College Brand Guidelines

Download the Galveston College brand guidelines.
Whitecaps Athletics Brand Guidelines Download the GC Whitecaps Athletics brand guidelines.


For any business cards or name tags needed for faculty and staff at Galveston College, please request them below. 


All promotional content for Galveston College featuring students, minors, or outside parties must include a signed media release form from the subjects.

Media Release Form

Each department, office and/or program at Galveston College is responsible for providing content for its web pages. The content will be reviewed, edited and formatted for style and consistency by the Office of Marketing and Communication.

For website editing purposes, departments can reference the Website Common How-Tos Guide

Each department should review its pages periodically and submit a Project Request if significant changes are necessary. 

For any professional headshots needed for faculty and staff at Galveston College, please request them below. 

Headshot Request Form

Communication Services 

The Beacon Marketing and Communication produces The Beacon, Galveston College’s official news and information publication for faculty and staff. The Beacon, an electronic newsletter, is distributed monthly. We welcome your story suggestions—click here to email us with an idea that you think may be of interest to our campus community.
Whitecaps Portal Marketing and Communication posts news and a calendar of events for students, faculty and staff on the Whitecaps portal. News items of interest to students, faculty and staff are shared here on a weekly basis. To submit news to the Whitecaps portal, email the Director of Marketing and Communication.
Global Email Communications

Marketing and Communication provides broadcast electronic messaging support for the college. Global emails are approved based on three general categories:

  • Emergency – Highly important, time-sensitive messages including emergency notices such as security alerts or campus closings due to severe weather.
  • Official – Highly important, non-emergency messages such as government reporting requirements, policy changes, human resources information, etc.
  • Informational – Other non-emergency messages that are directly related to college business or academic operations.

Social Media

Marketing and Communication administers the college’s primary Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google Business accounts.

Learn more about GC's social media here

Emergency Communications

Marketing and Communication plays an important role in disseminating emergency announcements via messaging on the college's website, social media and global email emergency messages.

If you witness a campus emergency, please call 911 or contact the Galveston College Campus Security Department at 409-944-1361.

The Marketing and Communication office serves as the official spokesperson for the college and acts as a liaison between Galveston College and the local and national media. 

If you have an event, accomplishment or potential story you would like to share with us, please contact the Director of Marketing and Communication at [email protected].

Meet the Team

Edgar Chrnko Salas
Title Director of Marketing and Communication
Room R-266
Department Public Affairs
Phone 409-944-1302
Email [email protected] 


Name Isabelle Perello
Title Digital Communication / Web Services Manager
Room R-268
Department Public Affairs
Phone 409-944-1313
Email [email protected]

Name Sandi Smith
Title Creative Services Manager
Room R-270
Department Public Affairs
Phone 409-944-1301
Email [email protected]