Accessibility Center
Welcome to Galveston College!
Thank you for joining us to accomplish both your short term and lifelong educational goals. Galveston College will provide the resources and support but you must bring the commitment. Commitment means attending classes, setting aside adequate study time, and utilizing support services.
The Galveston College Accessibility Services Office provides students with assistance and information as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1972 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
It is the policy of Galveston College to provide equal opportunities without regard
to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, genetic information
or veteran status.
Download the Guidelines and Information Packet.
All information contained in this Accessibility Services Guidelines and Information packet is subject to change without notice.
- Alternative Format Agreement
- Alternative Format Request
- Classroom Recording Device Agreement
- Consent for Release of Confidentiality
- Equipment Loan Request
- Reader/Scribe Request
- Release to Download Programs to a Personal Computer
- Room Adjustment Request
- Schedule Information
- Sign Language Interpreter/CART Request
High School to College Transition
Responsibility for identifying students with disabilities | School initiated | Student initiated – student must self-identify to the Accessibility Services Advisor |
Documentation of need for academic adjustments | School provides – The school district provides free evaluations and testing. | Student provides - each academic adjustment must be documented and specific to area of disability. Evaluations and testing are at the student’s expense. |
Applicable Law | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) IDEA focuses on SUCCESS |
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act |
Responsibility for providing accommodations | School – Education is mandated and alterations in curriculum called ‘modifications’ are required with the focus on student success. | Education is not mandated. Admissions and essential skills criteria must be met. Only reasonable academic adjustments for access are allowed. |
Modifications | Academics modified to meet level of student– Individual Education Plans (IEP), shortened assignments, textbooks at reading level, grades for effort, revisions and assistance on tests, exemptions from tests, etc. | Academic adjustments so that student can meet level of academics – E-books smart pens, extended test times, etc.) IEP’s and modifications of the course’s required essential skills are not provided. |
Responsibility for planning course of study and deciding on course selection | School – IEP team plans courses. | Student – Student initiates meeting with the Adviser for course planning assistance. Student self-registers. |
Advocating to obtain services | Parent, student & school -ARD, 504 and IEP meetings | Student learns to advocate for self with support from parents, family & Accessibility Services Advisor |
Follow-up | School and Parents – Counselors, teachers, IEP team and parents follow-up during the school year. | Student is responsible for self-disclosing, registering with Accessibility Services Office and returning each semester to obtain academic adjustment letters for new instructors. |
Related Services | School – provides all services related to educational needs including rehabilitation and personal needs | Student provides personal needs, resources & equipment. College provides physical and academic access only. |
Responsibility for student behavior | School and Parents are held responsible for some student actions and behaviors (ex: tardiness, absences, acting out in class) | Student – is held responsible for all actions and behaviors and is expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct. |
Responsibility for assignment deadlines | School & Parents work to remind student and possibly alter assignment due dates, procedures, etc. | Student responsible for knowing the course syllabi, school catalogs and course schedules to assure adherence to assignment deadlines and other procedures. |
Students who will be successful in college need a set of basic skills. This is not a comprehensive list of skills, but can guide and direct students who are considering college.
Students should be able to:
Demonstrate self-reliance | Much of college requires student initiation and participation. Unlike elementary and secondary schools, higher education is for adults. The expectation is that each adult student is responsible for his/ her own education. The institution is there to assist the student in an acquisition of knowledge, but ultimately, the student is responsible. |
Seek sources of support | Most colleges and universities have advising and tutoring centers. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out these centers and initiate contact for assistance. College instructors will not ”send” students for help or work one-on-one extensively with an individual student. Students must seek out help on campus or at home (privately paid tutoring) when needed. |
Read college level textbooks | Even developmental and workforce textbooks require higher reading and comprehension levels. Instructors may offer assistance with a specific concept, but they cannot teach someone how to read or explain each and every concept one-on-one. In college, it is the student’s responsibility to hire and pay for private tutors when needed. |
Write competently | Writing in complete sentences and with complete thoughts is essential in almost all college classes, even those that are not English classes. |
Have basic level math skills | Courses move extremely fast. If the student is confused with mathematical concepts, he/she is responsible for attending math tutoring labs that are provided by the college. Private one-on-one tutoring help will be at the student’s expense. |
Think abstractly | Discussions in classes will include real-world events, require critical-thinking skills and higher-level thought processes. Students will be required to demonstrate these higher order processes on a daily basis in oral, written and skills formats. |
Have an adult maturity level | Regular attendance, seeking academic assistance, being academically competitive, being aware of assignment deadlines, drop, withdrawal and payment deadlines, institutional policies, etc., are all student responsibilities. |
Students must also behave in an adult manner | Outbursts, disruptions in classes, distractions, inability to complete assignments in a timely manner will all have consequences at the college level, just as they would at a job. |
Have time management skills | Students must be able to prioritize tasks and be able to manage multiple demands. |
Have a reasonable level of competency with technology | Registration, homework assignments, tests and other activities will be completed online most of the time. Students should come into college with basic keyboarding and word-processing skills. Access to a computer and internet access at home will greatly help in assuring that assignments and tests are completed on time. |
College is created for adults. Levels of competency, responsibility, maturity and academic standards are much higher than high school.
The norms and rules of college are much more similar to a job than to high school.
- When possible, schedule appointments with the Accessibility Services Advisor during
times while registration is NOT occurring.
Once registration begins, the counselor will have far less time to focus on any one student. - Have up to date documentation for a disability when possible. The Accessibility Services Advisor cannot provide psychological or disability testing, but may be able to give you outside referrals for testing (at the student’s expense).
- It is essential to know the current functioning level of the student. As students get older, their level of functioning may change. Testing done when a student is 13 may not be accurate when assessing an 18-year-old, especially if the adult has learned techniques to adjust.
- Bring all documentation to the initial meeting with the Accessibility Services Advisor. Psychological reports, ARD notes, IEP’s 504 meeting notes, etc., will all help the Advisor assess the most appropriate academic adjustments available to the student.
- Have assistive technology needs defined and receive training on the technology before coming to college.
- Have a clear understanding of what self-advocacy is and how to be a self-advocate.
- Know how IDEA (K-12) differs from ADA and 504 in the college setting. Remember that laws governing K-12 have to do with student success, but laws governing colleges and universities only mandate equal access. College coursework cannot be adjusted in ways that modify the essential skills required for any course.
- Be realistic in your expectations. If a student has problems in multiple areas that affect academics, college will be a struggle. Don’t expect the Accessibility Services Office or instructors to be able to ‘fix’ every problem a student may face. Academic adjustments can be made, but college success is ultimately determined by the student’s abilities.
- Plan for your transition to college. Visit several campuses. Talk with other students, Accessibility Services Advisors and professors. Ask tons of questions. Learn how to access catalogs and schedules from each campus. Know what different colleges offer in terms of Accessibility services and academics. Realize that larger institutions will have more services available campus-wide because of increased budgets. However, there will also be more students accessing the services at larger schools.
The career you choose will be where you spend most of your time for years to come.
Take the decision seriously. Be prepared and ready for success!
Available Accessibility Assistance
Download the Academic Adjustment/Auxiliary Aid Registration Checklist.
Example Adjustments Available:
- Additional Testing Time
- Priority Classroom Seating etc.
- Reduced Distraction Testing
- Readers/Scribes
- Sign Interpreters /CART
- Disability Issues
- Crisis, Referral, Career Counseling, etc.
- Advocacy & Support
- Information & Referral
- Cerebral Palsy group
Accessibility Equipment Loan Request download
- Text to Voice
- Screen Enhancement
- E-book information and referral
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the essential skills required for technical programs - with or without accommodations. Many programs have an opportunity to earn certification (s)/licensure exams. To assure that the essential skills in these programs are met, third-party training materials, testing agencies, certification and licensing boards may have much stricter guidelines under ADA than K-12th grades.
- Students who take articulated credit/dual-credit/continuing education courses located at Ball High School would have accommodations provided through the high school’s Accessibility Services Office, but may not receive the same accommodations as other (non-dual-credit) high school classes allow.
- Students, who take articulated credit/dual-credit/continuing education courses within Galveston College or fully online through Galveston College, are required to register through the Accessibility Center (M-154) on the main campus to receive academic adjustments/accommodations. Registration forms and information are available by clicking on the “Accessibility Center” area of the GC website at Students (and parents if the student is a minor) must meet with the GC Accessibility Counselor located on the main campus (M-154) to register with the Accessibility Center and receive academic adjustments (accommodations).
- Students wishing to earn certification (s)/licensure exams with accommodations are
highly encouraged to speak with their teacher, who will work with the CTE department
at Ball High School. Contact with the testing companies, certification and/or licensing
boards, will be completed by the CTE department, on behalf of the student. To have
the time needed to obtain approvals for accommodations with third party entities who
provide licensing/certification (s), it is strongly recommended that students request
accommodations prior to the classes starting each semester.
- Academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids that alter the curriculum or testing procedures may need to be approved by the curriculum developers, testing company and/or the certification/licensing boards to qualify students for certification (s)/licensure.
- Often, certification/licensure boards and/or third-party testing companies require that extensive medical documentation be sent, a review process occurs and approval from the board or testing entity be granted before any adjustments may be initiated. The process to acquire academic adjustments with outside, third-party entities may take several weeks or months.
- Some accommodations allowed in K-12th grades may not be available at the collegiate level and may not be allowed by technical testing, certification and/or licensing boards.
If the student is enrolled for articulated credit (AC)/dual-credit (DC)/continuing education (CE) courses and is interested in obtaining a certification (s)/licensure in any of the following, additional signatures (below) must be obtained.
NCCER Core Certification |
Refrigerations Handling (EPA 608) Certification | ServeSafe Manager Certification |
ServeSafe Handler Certification | Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) | Microsoft Office/Excel Expert |
Adobe Certified Professional in Illustrator | Adobe Certified Professional in Photoshop | Entrepreneurship & Small Business Certification |
Educational Aide I Certification | Certified Nurses Aid | Patient Care Technician (PCT) |
Phlebotomy Technician | Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) – Basic | Medical Coding & Billing Specialist |
Cosmetology Operator License | AWS D1.1 & AWS D9.1 Certifications | Hospitality & Tourism Management Professional |
Autodesk Associate (Certified User) | AutoCad Autodesk Associate (Certified User) | Fusion 360 |
Oracle Certified Associate | Java SE 8 Programmer | Comp TIA Networking + |
CompTIA A+ Certification | Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP) | ASE Certifications |
Process for Request(s)
Students requesting accommodations in student-housing due to a disability-related issue should submit an email to the Accessibility Counselor at [email protected] from their Whitecaps Portal email account. The email should contain the following information:
Write: “Student-Housing Accommodation Request” in the subject line of the email
In the body of the email include:
- Student’s first/last name
- Student ID #
- Housing unit (if known)
- Semester(s) for which the accommodation(s) are requested
- Reason and explanation of request and how request relates to the student’s disability
- Attached documentation that supports request (if applicable)
The Accessibility Counselor will review, and if approved, will coordinate with the student housing representative to provide the accommodation or place student on a wait-list if request is not currently available.
Students will receive a decision via email (in their Whitecaps Portal email account) within 10 working days of submitting their request or they will receive an email update if more time is needed to gather information.
If a request is denied, the student has up to 30 days to appeal the decision. The appeal email should include the following:
Write: “Student-Housing Accommodation Appeal” in the subject line of the email
In the body of the email include:
- Student’s first/last name
- Student ID #
- Housing unit (if known)
- Semester(s) for which the accommodation(s) are requested
- Reason(s) the student believes that an appeal is necessary
- Attached documentation that supports appeal (if applicable)
All forms are available from the Accessibility Center upon request.
**All paperwork should be completed, submitted (as a complete packet) and approved before any animal is brought into student housing. **
Residential students with service or emotional support animals (ESAs) must abide by the guidelines for both student housing and these guidelines for service animals or ESAs.
Documentation that verifies the health and safety of the animal, along with required registration with Galveston County is required for animals to ensure the safety and health of co-residents and/or other Service/ESA animals residing in a communal living space.
Documentation that supports the student’s self-report of a disability may be requested for ESAs.
All forms are available from the Accessibility Center upon request.
Service animals that are trained for specific purpose (i.e., visual impairment assistance, seizure alert, etc.) are allowed anywhere the handler is allowed on campus, but animals must be registered with the Accessibility Center if they will be living in student-housing.
Students will receive a letter of approval from the Accessibility Counselor for the animal to reside in student-housing once animal safety documents have been submitted and approved.
All forms are available from the Accessibility Center upon request.
- Student-Housing Accommodation Request form
- ESA Medical Documentation Form
- Animal health and registration documents below:
_____ Veterinary Report Form (initial request only)
_____ Updated and current color picture of animal
_____ Copy or Picture of updated and current rabies tag
_____ Copy or picture of updated and current vaccination certificate/shot record
_____ Copy or picture of updated and current Certificate of Registration with City of Galveston
Submit the following updated animal safety forms (at least) annually to BOTH the Student Housing Representative and the Accessibility Counselor.
_____ Current color picture of animal
_____ Picture or copy of current of rabies tag
_____ Copy of vaccination certificate/shot record
_____ Updated copy of the Certificate of Registration with City of Galveston
Campus Resources:
Become a part of the Galveston College community:
The Galveston College catalog is the primary source for information about academic policies and regulations that govern students’ academic life. The Accessibility Services Guidelines answer questions specifically about accessibility services. As a student of Galveston College, you are responsible for knowing and abiding by the policies and regulations set forth in the college catalog. The catalog is accessible on-line.
Questions? Contact Us.
Counseling and Advising
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
[email protected]