Registration opens April 1, 2025
Click on our catalog to view course descriptions, dates, costs.
Fill out your parental consent form online now.
MARK THE DATES -- Camps are scheduled for the weeks of June 9, June 23, July 14, and July 28, 2025. Classes are Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Students who take both morning and afternoon sessions have the option to stay for supervised lunch. $20 a week for bring your own lunch, and $40 a week for Deli Lunch option. Add that lunch option at registration.
A parental consent form for every student must be filled out and submitted to the CE office no later than the first day of class. 2025 Parental Consent Form can also be found at the bottom of this page under Frequently Asked Questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Every 2025 Summer Kids’ Camper must have a 2025 Parental Consent form filled out before the first day of class.
If your student is a returning camper, 2025 Parental Consent Form
If this is for a new student, the parent will need to create a Dynamic Form account and submit a form for each student 2025 Parental Consent Form.
Registrations should be completed 1 week prior to classes starting. Students can register online or in- person.
GC Business office 409-944-1362
Continuing Education 409-944-1344
Class Cancellations, Room Changes, and Rescheduling:
Courses with low enrollment prior to a start date are canceled prior to the start date. Students will be notified by phone or email when a class they are enrolled in has been canceled; however, we are sometimes unable to reach everyone. A refund of 100% is automatically processed upon cancellation of classes. Please allow up to 2 weeks for your refund to be processed.
To help avoid cancellations please register and pay AT LEAST A WEEK PRIOR TO THE START DATE, and encourage your friends to register with you. Occasionally, canceled courses are rescheduled for a later start date, and you will be notified by phone when the opportunity presents itself. In the event of a classroom change notice of the room change will be posted on the Continuing Education doors and the classroom that was originally listed.
Cancellations or withdrawals made at least 1 business day prior to the start of class will be 100%. Refund requests should be made in person or by phone to 409-944-1344. Refund requests must be received during normal business hours and at least one business day prior to the start date of the class. When a class is canceled you will automatically be refunded the full course amount. There are NO REFUNDS GIVEN AFTER A COURSE HAS BEGUN. There are NO REFUNDS for ED2GO online courses.
Smoke-Free Campus:
Galveston College is a smoke-free campus. Smoking (including e-cigs) is strictly prohibited in all buildings on the campus grounds and parking areas.
Classroom Conduct:
Students are expected to conduct themselves in the classroom and/or laboratory in a manner that is conducive to good academic progress. Failure to comply with the lawful direction of a faculty member, teaching assistant or instructor may be a disruption for all students enrolled in the class. Disruptive conduct is considered a serious offense. Faculty reserve the right to remove a student from a class for just cause. Students removed may be referred to the VP of Student Services for disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Use:
Cell phone use is strictly prohibited during all class/lab sessions. In an emergency, please step outside to avoid disruption.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), was established to protect the privacy rights of all students. FERPA specifies the types of student information which can be released to the public without a student’s expressed consent and specifies the persons and agencies that may receive other information, which according the FERPA, a college may release to the public without a student’s permission and is referred to as “Directory Information.” The information included in the FERPA definition includes name, address, telephone, date and place of birth, degrees earned, date, major, and field of study, academic classification, dates of attendance, number of semester hours in progress and attained to date, previous high school and college attended, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may request that Galveston College withhold their directory information from the general public. To do so, students must fill out the appropriate form with the Admissions Office.
Record of Completion and CEU’s:
Nationally recognized CEU’s may be awarded on certain approved occupation-related courses. One CEU is awarded for every 10 contact hours. Most courses are given a Certificate of Completion. It is up to the individual student to see if these courses are eligible for CEU’s.
Request for Records and Replacement Certificates:
CE records are only kept for 2 years, digital copies may be available if needed. Please fill out a record’s request form and allow up to 2 weeks for it to be processed. Reprints of certificates cost $10 and can only be done if a digital copy is on file.
Questions? Contact Us.
Continuing Education Department
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Visit CE Register
[email protected]