Distance Education

Distance Education supports the mission of Galveston College to create accessible learning opportunities to provide quality course content and instruction to students who prefer an alternate platform or are unable to attend classes on campus.

Access CANVAS here


  • Distance Education (Online Learning) brings college instruction to those who need a different option or preference to classes on campus.
  • Distance Education courses have no regularly scheduled class meetings, but students must follow their course syllabus requirements.
  • Distance Education classes are not easier than on-campus classes. Successful students must be self-disciplined and exercise good study habits.
  • Distance Education classes can be inclusive of the following formats: 100% Online or Hybrid (50% online interaction)
  • Distance Education classes use Canvas as their class web-based software to access student course material.
  • To access Canvas, log in with your single sign on GC ID# and password assigned by I.T. helpdesk. Example: Username: GC0123456  Password: *********

** Access CANVAS here


Create a Workspace

Find a designated place where you can focus on your academic work. Whether your study space is in your room or at the kitchen table, it helps to tidy up a little before you get started, because visual clutter can be a distraction.

Online Learning is not Alone Learning

Your instructor is here to support your success, as is an entire team on the other side of your screen. So, be sure to let them know how they can help.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management skills are directly tied to staying on track, and successful course completion. A common misconception is that online studies will somehow be less time consuming, so it is easy to slip into the idea that your studies can be “set aside for a while.

Set Yourself a Routine

Imagine your online course as a face-to-face course and to “attend” on a regular basis. Don’t fall behind! Check in to the course every day, even if there is nothing to upload or complete; you never know when the instructor might post something important. Complete assignments as required by the syllabus, and submit them on time.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Familiarity with the LMS (CANVAS), and integrated technological tools will make your learning experience more enjoyable and productive. Make sure you understand technical requirements, including protocol for submitting assignments, timeliness and grading policies.

Keep Moving Forward

It is difficult to always remain motivated while managing your busy everyday life, and studying online can sometimes leave you feeling isolated and alone.

Appreciate the Value of Collaboration

Engage in all group activities as these arise within your course, including formal or informal (social) opportunities. Make use of the University social media platforms that are available.

Communicate Regularly

Remain visible and present! Don’t ever go MIA! Log into your course every day, and constantly and consistently remain visible and available by staying in touch. Don't wait until the last minute to make contact! 


You will get much more out of your online course if you are not simply a “spectator”, so stay actively engaged.

Give Yourself Credit

You moved from a regular classroom to online learning. Kudos to you, and wishing you much success!  


Admission of students residing outside the state of Texas to an online course, degree or certificate program offered by Galveston College is dependent upon the college’s ability to secure authorization from the applicant’s state of residence. Galveston College accepts applicants from the following states below. As authorization is secured from other states, the states will be added to this list of authorized states.

Arizona Kansas Oregon
California Louisiana Pennsylvania
Colorado Michigan Rhode Island
Connecticut Mississippi South Carolina
Delaware Nebraska South Dakota
District of Columbia New Hampshire Tennessee
Florida New Jersey Texas
Hawaii New Mexico (Until 6/30/12) Utah
Idaho New York Vermont
Illinois Nevada Virginia
Indiana Ohio West Virginia
Iowa Oklahoma  


The U.S. Department of Education requires Galveston College to provide current and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints.

Internal student complaint and grievance process can be found in the GC Catalog.

The Student grievance contact information for individual states

Galveston College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

Complaint procedure information


For questions concerning the complaint process or the U.S. DOE regulations affecting distance education, please contact DistanceEd@gc.edu.

Elvia Ortiz Segura Patricia Reyes

Elvia Ortiz Segura

Director of Educational Services

Patricia Reyes 

Distance Education Coordinator


For detailed information about Distance Learning at Galveston College, please email DistanceEd@gc.edu.

course catalog information

Next Steps

Start the convenient online application process @ DynamicForms.

Apply Online


Career Coach is a FREE online tool designed to help you find a great career by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated education and training.

Through a simple keyword search, you can learn about the employment prospects of differing careers. The real-time information is customized to the College’s geographic region and includes detailed wage estimates and up-to-date job postings associated with any career. Users are directed to the College’s programs when searching for specific jobs.

Career Coach also includes a built-in resume builder to help students and jobseekers quickly put together an updated resume with key skills and previous job experiences.

Take the assessment

Financial aid is available to help eligible part-time and full-time students pay for college. It can be a combination of grants, loans and work-study.

Learn how to apply

To learn more about the types of scholarships and their deadlines, please click on the “Learn More” link below.

Learn More

Questions? Contact Us.

Distance Education Office