Galveston College Allied Health

Nuclear Medicine Technology

Nuclear Medicine will continue to be a field at the forefront of modern clinical medicine and technological development. The future has never been brighter thanks to:

  • The development of new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
  • Promising research and development of cancer-detecting and cancer-killing agents, such as genetically engineered antibodies
  • The expanding clinical use of exciting new technology known as Positron Emission Tomography (PET), which provides new and unique means of studying biochemistry and metabolism within living tissues.



Name Courtney Cross 
Title Nuclear Medicine Program Director 
Room HS - 305
Program Area
Nuclear Medicine
Phone 409-944-1491
Email [email protected]
Admin Support

Elizabeth IIes



Nuclear Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with diagnostic, therapeutic, and investigative uses of radioactive materials. The results of these usages are recorded and interpreted by a licensed practitioner who has specialized in the profession of nuclear medicine. The knowledge and skills of the nuclear medicine technologist compliment those of the nuclear medicine physician and other professionals in this field.

The Nuclear Medicine Technologist is an allied health professional certified in nuclear medicine technology who, under the direction of an authorized physician user, is committed to applying the art and skill of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine procedures through safe and effective use of radionuclides. Responsibilities include but are not limited to direct patient contact, the preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals, patient imaging procedures including computer processing, laboratory testing, patient preparation, quality control and radiation safety. The technologist’s professional development is achieved through medical and technical education and ultimately contributes to the delivery of quality patient care.

Students enroll in the Nuclear Medicine Technology program in the fall and must complete twenty-four months of study with laboratory experience to meet eligibility requirements to take the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board examination in the fall of the graduating year. Upon completion of the two-year curriculum, graduates will be awarded the Associate in Applied Science degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology, and upon passing the A.R.R.T. and /or N.M.T.C.B. examination, will be registered as an ARRT(N) and/or Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist (CNMT).

Nuclear Medicine Technology – Associate of Applied Science Degree

All program courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 80% to progress in the program.

BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I
MATH 1314 College Algebra  3
CHEM  1405 Introductory Chemistry  4
    Total: 11
First Year - First Semester (Fall)
 BIOL 2402  Anatomy and Physiology II
 NMTT 1160 Clinical I Nuclear Medicine Technology  1
 NMTT 1201 Introduction to Nuclear Medicine  2
NMTT 1211 Nuclear Medicine Patient Care 2
 SCIT 1320  Physics for Allied Health  3
    Total: 12
First Year - Second Semester (Spring)
 ENGL  1301 Composition I
 NMTT  1261 Clinical (Nuclear Medicine Technology  2
 NMTT  2201 Radiochemistry & Radiopharmacy  2
 NMTT  1203 Radiation Biology and Safety  2
NMTT 1309 Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation 3
    Total: 12
First Year - Third Semester (Summer I) 
 NMTT  2309 Nuclear Medicine Methodology I
 NMTT  2233 Pet and Fusion Technology  2
 NMTT  2361 Practicum I  3
    Total: 8
Second Year - First Semester (Fall) 
 ELEC  X3XX Humanities/Fine Arts4  3
 NMTT  2313 Nuclear Medicine Methodology II  3
 NMTT  2366 Practicum II  3
    Total: 9
Second Year - Second Semester (Spring)
 NMTT  2235 Nuclear Medicine Technology Seminar*
 NMTT  2367 Practicum III  3
 ELEC  X3XX Behavioral/Social Science7 3
    Total: 8
Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 60

* Identifies Capstone course

Underline - Identifies courses to meet academic, general education requirements for AAS degree; minimum 15 credit hours.

4Select one course from ARTS 1304, DRAM 2361, DRAM 2362, ENGL 2322, ENGL 2323, ENGL 2327, ENGL 2328, ENGL 2332, ENGL 2333, HIST 2311, HIST 2312, HUMA 1302, PHIL 1301, PHIL 2306, PHIL 2307, SPAN 2311, SPAN 2312, ARTS 1301, ARTS 1303, COMM 2366, DRAM 1310, DRAM 2366, HUMA 1301, MUSI 1306 or MUSI 1310

7Select one course from CRIJ 1301, CRIJ 1307, ECON 2301, ECON 2302, PHED 1304, PHED 1346, PSYC 2301, SOCI 1301 or SOCI 1306


In addition to supporting the mission and goals of Galveston College, the mission of the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program is to provide a comprehensive, competency-based nuclear medicine curriculum to prepare  graduates with the entry-level skills needed to provide quality nuclear medicine procedures, the best possible patient care, and rewarding careers; encouraged to become leaders in the nuclear medicine community with a need for a lifetime of continued learning.

All prospective candidates who wish to be admitted to the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program should contact the Program Director at (409) 944-1491 or email at [email protected]

For additional information about the profession or the program, please visit the Galveston College Nuclear Medicine Technology Program Facebook page

Applicants must:

1. Complete the requirements for admission to the College. Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to the Program.

● Requirements for the college include:

a. TSI scores for TSI-eligible students or placement scores for TSI-exempt students which permit enrollment in college level courses. Official TSI scores must appear on a transcript to be sent directly to Galveston College from the test company on an official test score report form.

Degree Plan must show evidence of:

b. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in MATH 1314 College Algebra or a passing placement test score within five years of acceptance into the Program.

c. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I, within five years of acceptance into the Program. BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II is strongly recommended as a prerequisite.

d. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1405 Introductory to Chemistry I or equivalent, within five years into the Program.

e. An overall G.P.A. of 3.0. It is highly recommended that the general education courses be completed prior to enrollment in the Program. A grade of “C” or better is required in the general education courses. Math and Science courses must be completed within five years of acceptance into the Program.

2. Submit program application to the Program Director.

● Program applications are accepted beginning September 15th through May 15th of each year to be considered for the next academic year. Applications that are submitted after the deadline will be reviewed at the discretion of the Selection Committee. Due to limited enrollment, we cannot accept every applicant. Applicants not admitted to the program must re-apply each year. Successful applicants will be notified by mail of acceptance to the program.

a. Complete the Hepatitis B immunization series including titer or show proof of illness. To be eligible to apply to the Program, student must show proof that the immunization process has been started. The process needs to be completed by the start of the Program. (This process takes seven months. to complete).

b. Complete Varicella immunization (Chicken pox) or show proof of illness by the start of the Program.

c. Complete a background check through the College at students cost upon acceptance to the Program.

d. Complete a clear drug screening test at students cost as directed by the Program.

e. Meet with the Program Director upon request. Attend Mandatory Orientation.

Course work from another program will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Program Coordinator. A grade of “C” or better is required on all transferred prerequisite and general education courses. A grade of “B” or better is required for program specific courses. Transfer students from another program will be admitted on a space-available basis.

Transfer students must: 

  1. Complete admission requirements to Galveston College as well as the Program admission criteria.
  2. Currently hold a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on transfer course work.
  3. Submit course syllabi for review, if requested by program coordinator.
  4. Agree to a complete a disclosure of information form.

Program Outcomes

  • Program graduates will be eligible to sit for the NMTCB and/or ARRT certification board exams and fulfill requirements for state licensure.
  • Utilize proper imaging technique to produce quality images that reflect current practice.
  • Properly receive, prepare, administer and dispose of radiopharmaceuticals and radioactive material.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the theories and principles of ionizing radiation.
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior.
  • Embrace a commitment to lifelong learning and the ability to acquire and use new knowledge.
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • Draw from multiple disciplines in the healthcare environment in order to understand the patient’s overall condition.

Graduate outcomes

Graduate achievement data is an indicator of program effectiveness, demonstrating the extent to which a program achieves its goals.  The current report on graduate achievement data, identified by program, is available on the JRCNMT website by clicking on the following link: Graduate Achievement Report

2023 National Certification Exam Pass Rates (First Attempt)
• NMTCB Certification Exam Pass Rate = 7 out of 7
students = 100%
• ARRT Certification Exam Pass Rate = 7 out of 7
students = 100%

The Galveston College Nuclear Medicine Program is nationally accredited by the:

Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs
820 W. Danforth Rd., #B1
Edmond Ok 73003

Tel: (405) 285-0546
Fax: (405) 285-0579
Email: [email protected]

  • Hospitals
  • Cancer Centers
  • Imaging Centers
  • Cardiology Offices
  • Research Institutions
  • Equipment Sales
  • Application Specialists
Course Catalog Information

Next Steps

Start the convenient online application process @ DynamicForms.

Apply Online


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Courtney Cross

Phone: 409-944-1491